Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Details Count

Our increasingly fast-paced world is one where communications are exchanged at the speed of light. Sometimes it seems that we are in a race to announce our news. . . and completely oblivious to the need to be an active listener and an engaged communicator.

In today's PR world, churning seems to be the new norm. Speed is the new motivator. Information comes in, strategies are hatched, messages get packaged and out the door a release goes — faster than ever.

Frequently, that also means that there are communications casualties along the way.

And the biggest casualty of all is attention to detail.

Stop and think. . . Are you seeing more misspellings in the written communications that you get?

Ever received an events list that includes events that occurred days before the list was released/dated? Yes, that's before, meaning the event you're encouraged to attend is long over when you get the news it's going to be held. We actually saw that not once, but twice, last week.

How about missing words? Incomplete sentences? Let's not even talk about punctuation — it seems to be a lost art.

Excellence in PR is not just about the ability to get good publicity for your clients. It's also about looking professional and literate. That builds credibility with your readers.

The little details count in PR — no matter how fast-paced your world.

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