Monday, August 10, 2009


Blogging for business.

It’s so easy to get into— and just as easy to get wrong. A business blog is a vehicle for you to develop relationships with consumers. To educate them about your products and services. To build a community of people who are involved in a conversation about your company.

Designing, maintaining and updating a blog should not be taken lightly.

Here are ten things to consider before you launch a blog:

1. Is your company ready to make the commitment to doing a blog?

2. Will the blog be an integrated part of your marketing program?

3. Do you have a plan for your blog? What do you want your blog to accomplish?

4. How frequently will your blog be updated?

5. How will the blog meet the needs of your customers? How will you keep customers coming back to the blog for more information or to interact with the company? What business-related topics are most engaging? Why?

6. What will be the tone and “voice” of your blog?

7. Will one writer provide postings or several? If more than one, how will you insure the “voice” is consistent?

8. Will you provide for “guest” bloggers? How will they be identified/positioned?

9. Is there sufficient in-house writing and marketing expertise to do the blog correctly?

10. Is it more cost-effective and efficient to contract with someone to write blog postings regularly?

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